Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I hate cleaning....

Well that's not true...

I hate cleaning up *my* stuff.

I'll go to a dominant's house and cook, clean, scrub toilets (even if I'm not asked).

My apartment, on the other hand, is a total mess.

Well... it's not *dirty*.  That pile of clothes to my left?  They're clean and folded, just not put away.  The dishes on the counter?  I'm out of cabinets space in my studio, but they too are clean.  The pile of junk?  Ok, it's a pile of junk.

The trash has been emptied, the dishes and clothes are clean, the hair's been cleaned out of the drain, and the toilet scrubbed recently....

But my apartment is full of stuff.

I'm getting better (I hope).  I've downsized to a studio from my one bedroom and as I unpack (yes I've been here nearly a year and still have boxes) a good portion (more than 1/3) ends up re-packed in a box and off to goodwill.  I'm in a studio now, so the place setting for 8 got down sized to 4 and the rest was given to goodwill.  Before the move, a massive shoe purge (*cries*) occurred with the help of my mother (lots of interesting thoughts on some "hooker" heels).

So I feel like I'm caught in the middle...  Most things don't have a place yet (I'm still organizing where I want furniture to be gosh darn it) and I feel like I'm surrounded by stuff.

I've got to take it in pieces... otherwise it's too overwhelming.  I think I'm going to start with the bathroom.  It's the cleanest (things have a place there) and I think I'll organize my vanity.  Face stuff, makeup, a little bit of jewelry.  That's manageable, right?

Maybe this will help me move bit by bit.....

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