How many parts make up a whole???
I was privately journsling about the number of men in my life these days. The number is on the rise.
I feel busier.
If I wanted, I could be busy most nights.
But it doesn't feel as fulfilling as I'd imagined. There are still holes.
I think I've cast the same role too many times. I'm pretty good at the legitimate fuck buddy. When I say legitimate, I mean they're actually a buddy that I fuck: we've got some interests in common and would actually be friends even if the sex wasn't happening.
I'm not so good at filling the "great passionate partner" role. You know, that person who instantaneously makes you wet and grabs you and pulls you into their arms.
Or maybe that doesn't exist. Maybe I read too many romance novels.
But I see my friends and read about others.... And there does seem to be something I'm missing... Some passion or sparks that I don't yet have fulfilled.
But I don't know exactly what that is yet...
Do you think you're likely to find it when you're filling up your life with people who don't fit that bill?