Saturday, October 6, 2007


So yea...... I played tonight with DG. It was good.Things that were good....I really like ropeThe big heavy hits with the heavy flogger went welli like being tied up, but it's a mixed blessing 'cause when i struggle I can handle more pain....Things that were bad...I got into fight/flight syndrome and didn't say anything... I just tried to untie myself.... that's the bad place.... that's yellow/red... I need to vocalize it...I wasn't in the best mindset. I'd been talking with people like a little earlier in the night and was there a little too much. I really need to do things like-wear a collar-kneel-perform servicebefore I play to get me in the right mindset.I think I needed more warm up but didn't ask for it.I NEED TO SAY MORE!

1 comment:

  1. David said...

    I was going to ask you about the collar and things, the next time we talked about playing. That is the kind of stuff you need to tell someone before you play or you won't get the most out of the session. I know it's hard to ask for what you want or need. (Zan tells me I have the same problem so you're in good company).

    I'm glad that you have an outlet like this to get some of this stuff out of your head. I have found it to be of great benifit in my life.

    I'm looking forward to playing with you again soon. You're one of the few peole that I can see myself topping on a reguler basis.

    October 7, 2007 10:22 AM
    Shelly said...

    I really hadn't thought about it till after the fact......

    October 7, 2007 4:27 PM
