I'd seen some appreciative glances too so I was pretty sure I looked good.
Then he got in the elevator.
And I knew I looked good.
It was reflected in his eyes. The once over, the gaze that went from head to toe was intoxicating.
But I knew who he was.
And I knew I was his type.
We were going to the same event. The elevator dinged. He smiled and was gone.
My mind flirted with the interaction. It's funny how appreciation like that, at its base level, stays with you.
I walked into the room and had been forgotten. This was expected. He already had someone like me. I knew her and the one she replaced. I waved and continued my evening.
I heard later that they ended, like the one before her and probably the one before her.
I'm sure there'd be a new one soon... That look is dangerous. It's enticing and exhilarating.
But it doesn't work on me anymore.